Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yulianus and his source of income

Yulianus and the Fua people support their ministry and community development partially through crocodile farming and hunting.

In a sermon shortly after this picture was taken, Yulianus preached from the account of the miracle when Jesus multiplied the fish and the loaves.

Yuli pointed out that it was a little boy who volunteered all that he had, and not someone who was great by the world's standards, and yet Jesus blessed that. Jesus was pleased to use a little boy to help others and to glorify Himself.

Also, Jesus started from what the people had, from what was available, and so Jesus used the fish and the loaves to feed the people.

Finally, this little boy did not hold anything back from Jesus but offered it all to Jesus. Though it seemed small, it was a huge sacrifice for this little boy, and yet this boy handed all of his food over to Jesus without any hesitation noted whatsoever in the story.

In like manner, Yuli explained to his people, God has given the Fuau people crocodiles. Though not rich or important by the world's standard, Jesus has been pleased to bless the Fuau people by what they have available, even if this be crocodiles, and Jesus can use this means, too, if they offer it up to God and use it for His service.


Lori Edwards said...

This was a good reminder that we shouldn't wait until we have a lot to serve in His kingdom, start serving now with whatever you do have! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Soli Deo Gloria