Two years ago Harun was saved.
Before that he attended church and trusted in his church attendance and church membership to save him, even though he never personally owned his faith.
Yulianus, a friend of mine, was so incensed that someone could so long attend a church and not clearly hear the Gospel that he, that very night after talking to Harun, rushed over to the pastor's house. Yulianus then explained the Gospel clearly that Sunday and following Sundays to the congregation there, making sure that others did not also sit in church and trust in their cultural Christianity or a mere external identity.
Now Harun is in Bible school, being supported by Yulianus' scholarship fund. He has received a laptop, has finished his first year well, is president of his class, and promises to return to the area where he grew up and serve there, in the interior, after graduation. The "brain drain" is huge in interior villages and once young people get an education, few return, but Harun speaks of a calling to return and help those who are interior and lack access.